Version A
Version B
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I acquired this eight from in 2002.
The Metolius, Version A is forged from aluminum alloy. Mine is 129 mm. tall, 72 mm. wide, and 15 mm. thick. The rope hole is 49 mm. high and 49 mm. wide. The top center thickness is 11 mm. The shaft length and width are 33 mm. and 27 mm., respectively.
The eye measures 25 mm. by 26 mm. The eye on this eight is not circular - think of it as a 26.5 mm. wide, 17.6 mm high ellipse split along the major (horizontal) axis with a 7.7 mm high rectangle inserted in the middle.
My Metolius, Version A weighs 102 g.
One side of the eight is etched with "Metolius" and a logo along the top, and a picture of a rigged eight, two vertical double-ended arrows, "3000 KG" and "01-11-A04919" on the shank.
The Metolius, Version A is an example of a "Flat Top" aluminum eight, although there is a slight upward arch to the top. The Metolius, Version A essentially the same as the Lucky Geni .
These eights have a subtriangular rope hole that provides a somewhat straight upper portion, albeit not quite to the extent that this feature appears on the Petzl D01 & D02 or the SMC Straight Eights. This allows the rope to run a bit straighter, but this is more academic than practical. The inverted triangular shape makes it easier to lock this eight off than some others. Many people fear this (witness the proliferation of Figure Eights With Ears), but I recall Keith Liken’s 1968 attempt (Figure Eight Ring, GCG Electric Caver, v. 4, no. 11, 87-88; reprinted in the 1968 Speleo Digest) to redesign the figure eight so that it would lock off more easily. If you are prepared an know what you are doing, releasing a larks-headed eight is so easy that I don't worry about accidental lock-offs.
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I acquired this eight from in 2002.
The Metolius, Version B is forged from aluminum alloy and then soft anodized. Mine is 129 mm. tall, 72 mm. wide, and 15 mm. thick. The rope hole is 49 mm. high and 49 mm. wide. The top center thickness is 11 mm. The shaft length and width are 33 mm. and 27 mm., respectively. The eye measures 25 mm. by 26 mm. My eight weighs 103 g.
The markings match Version A’s except the final number series on the Version B shaft is "01-11-A29897."
Except for the finish, this eight is essentially identical to Version A.
[ Top | Version A | Version B ]
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