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I displayed my collection at the 1983 and 1991 NSS Conventions, but I don't have complete photographs of the displays. I have been able to find a few photographs to give a flavor to those days as well as an older photo taken at home in 1982.
Back when I thought that I had a large collection, I spread it out on the living room floor just to see how impressive it was. Now I know better.
In 1983 I talked about my collection at the NSS Convention Vertical Section meeting. I believe that I had six boards at that time. Here are two pictures that Bob Thrun took during my talk. The scribbles on the blackboard were part of my talk. I used them to show how I could classify descenders based on the rope path taken through the device.
In 1991 I set up 12 boards for the NSS 50th Anniversary Convention. I have some photographs of the general area, but unfortunately, I cannot find photographs of all of the individual boards. I seem to have most of the ascender, belayer, and miscellaneous boards, but I'm obviously missing descender boards including the eights, spools, bobbins, carabiner methods, hooks, and horns.
I don't keep the equipment mounted because I do not have the necessary storage space. We assembled the displays on site, and the temporary mounting was rather crude. You can see the final step - me putting labels on - in the first picture.
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